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bhagavan is a sanskrit word from its roots Bha (Light) + Ga (spread). One who possesses the ability to spread light is called Bhagavati (feminine) or Bhagavan (masculine). The feminine forms refers usually to Devi or Shakti and the masculine form is usally referred to Vishnu or Krishna but rarely does a sage or saint is called by that name except for the one and only renowned sage Ramana Maharishi.

Bhagavan signifies one who posesses the knowledge of (from Anandalahiri...)

1. Creation & Destruction of the Universe
2. Origin & End of Beings
3. Divine Truth & Ignorance

Ganapathi Muni gave the name Bhagavan to Ramana after he asked the sage what Tapas means (Tapas in sanskrit refers generally to specific mental and physical austerity / dicipline or Practice which the yogis undergo to control their mind and thereby the senses in the pursuit of self enlightenment. Tapas literally means to burn or blazen and usually fire (Agni) is used in the ritualistic penance by ancient sages, the word is extended to be used among spiritual aspirants practice as they undergo the firing sensation due to rise in Kundalini(the coiled dormant energy which is in the lowest chakra) through yoga ). Tapas according to Ramana is the practice of finding out "who am I" , who is that who is verily asking that question, who is that from whence action arises, from where the very notion of "I"arises, the persisitent search according to ramana leads to the vanishing of the "I"ness in whoe vaccume is filled an extraordinary energy of consciousness which is the Real self.


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