Mr Consciousness
Extract from sage Vashista teachings to Lord Rama from book "Vashishta's Yoga"
"The world appearance abides in the mind, even as there is space within the pot; if the pot is broken the illusionary division of space vanishes.if mind ceases, the concept of world within mind ceases. As an insect trapped within the pot is freed, so is liberation when mind ceases to be from world illusion.
The Universe has surely come into being without any valid cause or its creation: how can one accept the truth of creation which has no cause or purpose? From time immemorial, all these energies have been inherent in the cosmic being, even as pots are forever inherent in a clay.
Even Oceans existed in past, present and future as ocean and water temporarily assumes the form of a wave , all this is forever the cosmic being at all times. It is only a fool that entertains a feeling "This Iam" in relation to the temporary transient appearance known as the body.
Similary mind was consciousness in the beginning and will be so in the end (its transient association to the illusionary if removed), why it is then called differently in the now?"
Consciousness has no relationships as in its manifestation duality ceases to exist. Mind has so many relatinships but ultimately many names given to his only friend called Illusion. The relationship betweeon consciousness and mind is explained beautifully by Sage Vashishta as "When consciousness realises itself and abandons its self limiting mental condition, mind is freed and rests as consciousness". Vashista says that is true Identity without its I.
(Sorry if this 3rd comment today seems like a spam!)
I just saw the association *Illusion* that you mention. Perhaps, you meant *mithyaa*. Mithyaa is wrongly translated as illusion by many. Its explained beautifully in the book: What is Advaita? by Sankaranarayanan.
Like Yoga Vashistha, Tripura Rahasya also has a good set of stories used as a tool for learning the Truth. I hope you've read it too.
2:25 AM
A word on Indian spiritual practices .........
Hindus, particularly, are sacrificing words through prayers and feelings through expression of love for the sake of God. When the question of wealth or money comes they sacrifice it for the sake of their families only. This is the reason why India suffers with poverty. Swami Vivekananda wept loudly facing the sky asking; “Why India with such high spiritual knowledge is suffering with poverty?” The foreigners are not so well in prayers and expression of love or meditation compared to Indians but they sacrifice their money for the sake of God with full vigor. Therefore God blesses the foreign countries with wealth and prosperity.
Indians sacrifice words and mind only to God. Therefore Indians are blessed with very good pronunciation of language and excellent knowledge, which are connected to the words and mind. Gita says ‘Ye Yatha Mam Prapadyante’ which means that God gives you result in the same way in which you worship Him. If you worship Him with words (prayers) only He will also appreciate you with sweet words. If you love Him with your mind and concentrate with meditation, He will also love you in turn with high concentration of mind. If you sacrifice practically, He will also do everything to you practically. Indians must learn this practical sacrifice from foreigners as they have learnt the science and technology from the West. Even in the olden days, Indians were always doing exercises in theoretical knowledge of God and in composing lot of poems on God. Therefore the same attitude entered even their education of science. They have become theorists even in science.
The foreigners were less theoretical and more practical in spiritual things and therefore that attitude entered their scientific education also and the foreigners have become the real practical scientists. Let Indians not be proud that they are the masters in the spiritualism if not in science. Though I am born in India, I deny this. The Indians should follow the foreigners not only in science but also in spiritualism by learning the practical aspect of the materialistic as well as divine knowledge.
Today, in the world everybody agrees that the real power is the money only. Money is the fruit of work and Bhagavatgita calls sacrifice of money “Karma Phala Tyaga”. In Bhagavatgita it is said “Dhyanat Karma Phala Tyagah” which means that devotion is greater than Knowledge and sacrifice of the fruit of the work (money) is greater than the devotion. Knowledge consists of intelligence and words. Devotion consists of mind and words. Sacrifice consists of heart and love. The proof of the love is the practical service, which is the practical sacrifice of work or money. For the propagation of the divine knowledge and devotion the money is needed to publish the gospel in the form of books. When you sacrifice your money for the divine work your treasure in the heaven is built up. This means that God will help you after your death and you will enter the kingdom of God.
You are giving your earnings to your family only and so your real love is on your family only. There is no need of any further argument on this point because it is very clear proof. This is the real fire test for your love. You are sacrificing valueless words and valueless mind in leisure, which is valueless time. This cannot prove the real value of God. You must give real value to God. You are finishing your prayers and meditation on God as soon as the time to go to job is nearing. Similarly when some work for the family is approaching, you are immediately leaving the presence of God. Therefore you are not giving any value to God for all practical purpose. But you are telling lies in your prayers that God is everything for you. The money is the final test and it can be the only test also since all the family is associated with you for money only and the family serves you in your old age for your money only. If the money is sacrificed to God your real color of love can be seen.
Sage Vasista told Lord Rama to bring money first as Gurudakshina (pious offering to the preacher) before preaching the divine knowledge (‘Dhana marjaya…’). The preacher tested Rama’s Love to God in the light of the sacrifice of money. In Vishnu Purana Lord Vishnu says ‘Tasya vittam Haramyaham’ which means that he who sacrifices money for the sake of God, is really blessed. This looks quite odd for us to wonder whether even God wants money! No. God does not want money because this entire world is His wealth only as per Veda (Kasyasvit Dhanam…). You have taken the money from His treasure for your needs and God permits this. But you have taken extra money also and you are storing it, which is not permitted by God. You have to return back that extra to the Lord when He comes in human form for His divine work. Remember that you are returning His own money, which was stolen by you since He did not permit you to take the extra money. When you have gone to a friend’s house he gave you a cup of milk. He permitted only the milk to be taken by you but not the cup. You have stolen the cup also as the extra, which was not expected by your friend. You have to return back that stolen cup to your friend secretly.
Without the practical sacrifice of money or at least the work, mere prayers, love and meditation are only the side pickles in the plate without the central bread or rice. When God eats the pickles only which you serve, His stomach is burnt with high acidity and God becomes furious. Due to His anger the extra money stored by you goes waste through diseases etc., Your children may loose that money also and they are also not blessed in any way in their lives. This gospel of Holy Jesus should open the eye of knowledge of all the Hindus to learn the practical sacrifice from foreigners. Holy Jesus referred to such people who do not give up their extra money for God’s work saying that they can never reach God even if a camel passes through the eye of a needle. His Gospel refers to such selfish rich people only who are caught up in the net of their limited families.
at the lotus feet of shri datta swami
10:30 AM
I dont believe in religious gods and countries and hence not limited or biased in thinking. The haves can help the have-nots not only in wealth but also knowledge, to create a better world. Each of us have the capacity and potential and we learn and do it in our own ways, there is cnstant learning and even self correction is a contribution to your ambience in a way. Even psuedo intelectuals and egoists will come around eventually and instead of wiping a tear, firstly not shedding one is a honest and intelligent way to live life, rather my life.
5:31 AM
A poor man is suffering and poverty is the punishment given for the previous sin committed by the soul. If such a poor person is helped, it amounts to interference in the administration of God. The punishment is given for a change and you need not sympathise it. The parental love of the Lord is greater than your brotherly love. Only the grace of God can end the punishment forever. Therefore you preach divine knowledge and devotion and then assist that poor person. The divine knowledge and devotion will bring a change in him and you have served the purpose of the punishment. Then God is pleased with you and also will show grace on that poor person. The poverty will vanish forever. Therefore social service must be integrated with spiritual mission. Sankara told the same (Loka sevaka matha khandanam) and Mother Theresa did the same. Mere social service is like a simple boarding and lodging given to the hostel students without the primary teaching in the classes. Therefore, the aim of terrorism gives only temporary and apparent relief whereas the spiritual mission based social work is a permanent solution. The discoveries of scientists without any spiritual basis, which were expected to serve the society, have harmed the society. If one reads, the latest environmental science, it becomes clear.
2:48 PM
A well researched picture I got a lot from reading it money picture
2:31 PM
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4:30 PM
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