My Poetry, Philosophy, Thoughts and Ideas.


life is a struggle
amidst the vulnerable,dangerous and fearful
there lies unshaken,fearless calmness
love is immortal , if it were not,
ramakrishna and ramana would be yet another name
those who loved during their lifetime,
became love during our lifetimes
from becoming lovers to love is thus our journey
this will be our path
there will be no time for tears
there will be no room for fears
yours , mine , theirs , is of love
this , that , those are also of love
the days in our hands
the love in our hearts
the will in our minds
if we were to rest , let it be that day
when our body can no longer cooperate with us
to reach the heights of love
lets cast it , rest it but still continue
the endless jounrey , in the infinite hearts
immortal in time , immeasaurable by space
let not mother earth be bathed in blood once more
let not be in vain to veil off her infinite compassion
let not another heart , be just flesh by ignorance
God! love me! for i love you


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