My Poetry, Philosophy, Thoughts and Ideas.


Physical Chemistry

So what, if these loving eyes have dark circles?
I have been sleepless ever since you left me
So what, if these limbs are weak and shoulders shrunk?
I have last all my vigor and strength after I gave my heart
So what, that I am no longer so attractive to you?
I have withered my every petal in this eternal longing for you
So what, if this body is ever slowly decaying ?
It is so religiously doing its duty in every moment
Can we really see that Love without any of its form?
Are we so illusioned that we just cant see it ?
Choose between what you are and what you want to be
Heart never listens to the Mind, it is always the other way!
And when mind listens to the heart, it ceases to be
In Love thus ceases ā€œIā€-ness to become Oneness.
You cant love without a heart
Nor can you have a heart without love
You cannot take the love which you gave
You cannot give love until the you is taken


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heart never listens to the Mind, it is always the other way!
And when mind listens to the heart, it ceases to be true...very well said.


1:05 PM


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