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Transformation Initiative Project

The project am currently doing in Jamaica is basically a Call Center providing solutions like

IVR (Interactive Voice Response System)
CTI (Computer Telephony Integration , for Customer Identified Agent based screenpop)
Dialer (For Telemarketing Calls & Collections)
Logger( For Recording Conversations between the Customers and the Agents)

for a bank called National Commercial bank , Jamaica by Servion Global Solutions

The project is aptly termed as a Customer experience management or CEM , depending upon the continued customer feedback model, the service model of the bank would changing metting the customer expectaions as well to compete against the other banks in the Carribean.

The Overall Project which includes CRM, SMS , EMAIL and other delivery channels is termed as the Transformation Initiative Project for the Bank and is organised as follows. The transformation here could be defined according to NCB as Rising the Challenge through Partnership.

Project Sponsor

Transformation Initiative Leader

Change Management Group

Customer Centeric Grp E-Channels Grp Centralization Emplyee Resource





The idea is to centralize all the branch operations and strategically control from the headoffice using the necessary technology and infrastructure and avoid customers visiting the bank by providing services through E- Channels like Fax, Email, Voice (Telephone)and Internet Banking.


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