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Hotmail Spamming

I am tired of receiving spam mails of porn sites, mortgages, travel plans, and accessory sellings. Hotmail is increasingly getting difficult to deal with and wonder why Microsoft has not done anything to stop this.

I also have a yahoo email, i had signed up using that email with many blog sites for purpose of URL submissions but strangely i dont even receive a single spam mail. Contrary to my hotmail inspite of setting the filters it doesnt seem to help. The only worthwile feature offered by hotmail is to check for a specific word in the Subject line of the email.

The spams iam getting are from yahoo ID's which i cannot block as i have a few friends from whom i receive emails. MS sucks ! because i cant have a safelist which allows specific yahoo addresses and block sender list for yahoo domains, i would presume the Safe List overrides the Blocksender list but it reports a conflict and am asked to remove my SafeSender list.

I have also complained to the respective sites on the anti-spamming privacy policy from where the messages with variable username seems to be listed. But the problem is certain sites which has UNSUBSCRIBE Link are itself fake and they distribute the email address to other sites having received a sort of acknowledgement of the receipt of their messages.

Following is my idea to block spams using anti email spamming softwares for Hotmail

Provide the following as a configuration for the hotmail user to enable/disable

1. Check any repeated letter occurence of 'n' times in the username of the email like yyyyy etc
2. Check for subject for more than 'n' number of non english words
3. Provision to receive emails with speicifc keyword listing
4. Parse the email content for bad URL links
5. Parse the email content for sex sites
6. Have an efficient email reader program for checking "marketing or selling " mails
7. Check the CC listing whether the intended recipients have a pattern in their names
8. Ability to have safe list like and still have blocksender domain banned, so only mails coming from would be received.
9. Block Mails without a username or having username as pure numbers.
10. For those who can write their own logic, there should be a spammers restriction file where they can set their own priorities.
11. There should be an icon for reporting spams everytime an email is opened for classification and thereupon a email anti-spam learning program to keep updating by its learning patterns.
12. Probably possible to do a quick ping back mechanism on the domain name of the incoming email id , to check its validity.


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