My Poetry, Philosophy, Thoughts and Ideas.


A Journey from Hope to Paradise

Paradise wont be very far
to carry me from Hope , in the railway car
running down the flight of stairs
missing the train & unaware
seeing the crowd move, up the steps
climbed down, alone in its edgy depths
people were climbing the wrong side
glimpsing the train moving, I cried
the train was moving , to Paradise
but only one inside to to take its ride
Hope was crowded with many kinds
a place that brought many minds
everyone's destination "Paradise" , it seemed
but to them like me , an impossible dream
in Hope i wondered , why people depart
I came to know, they lost, will at heart
there were some, who never even made to Hope
there were some, who always stayed at Hope
there were some, who just arrived at Hope.
To those of us starring Hope's vintage clock
our lives at Hope seemed but ever locked
posed i a question to the station master
so did I, as he was their pastor
"did the trains in Hope ever come?"
asked I the question, also to those who were mum
"Yes, only one could board anytime"
came the answer from all, repeating as a rhyme
Dawned that, each of our journey's no longer being same
thus the ticket to Paradise,was about winning minds game
the reason why at Hope many where there
is because most of them were, in despair
all they did was just sit and compare
never a moment towards the journey to prepare
Hence just being in Hope, you cant reach
until one works , was a lesson to each
i still wait and wait , but there's no sign
hoping one day, to catch the Paradise Train


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