My Poetry, Philosophy, Thoughts and Ideas.


Manifestation of Life

without Being there is no intelligence
without intelligence there is no thought
without thought, there are no choices
without choices there is no action
without action there is no karma
without karma there is no manifestation
without manifestation there is no life

this eternal supreme intelligence descended and gave birth to matter called life.

When i thought and wrote this i wondered on why the need for this supreme intelligence to manifest and i read a beautiful passage from Savitri by Aurobindo in Arise Again O India by Francois Gautier.

"It was the hour before the Gods awake.
Across the path of the divine Event
The huge foreboding mind of Night, alone
In her unlit temple of eternity,
Lay stretched immobile upon Silence’s marge…" - Aurobindo

And then, « something » happened:

"Then Something in the inscrutable darkness stirred;
A nameless movement, an unthought Idea,
Insistent, dissatisfied, without an aim,
Something that wished but knew not how to be,
Teased the Inconscient to wake Ignorance"… - Aurobindo

Manifestation blossomed to human form uncontrolled unsupervised forgetting itself and waiting to realise that it is the spark of the same intelligence by shedding the costume of birth and death.


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