My Poetry, Philosophy, Thoughts and Ideas.


Pancadasi (15 Chapters)

I had explained how the human and the nature are made of 5 independent elements, as an extension on the subject I will try and include in the coming days about a book called Pancadasi (or 15 chapters) which was compiled by Vidyaranya Swami, to throw more light into the subject. I will try and include as and when i get time the 15 chapters contents , with my understanding and commentaries from other renowned people time to time in this blog.

The 15 Chapters are

1. The Differentiation of the Real Principle
( Talks about Truth (brahman) & Untruth)
2. The Differentiation of the 5 elements
(Talks how by differentiation of 5 elements the non dual Self can be known)
3. The Differentiation of the 5 sheaths
(Talks how differntiating the 5 sheats the humans are housed in, to know about reality)
4. The Differentiation of Duality
(Talks about Duality as a bondage and its renunciation to be free from suffering)
5. Fixing the meaning of great saying
(Talks ABout the Consciousness)
6. The Lamp of the picture
(Talks about the 4 stages in creating a picture with modification of Suepreme Self)
7. The Lamp of perfect satisfaction
(Talks about satisfaction of a man who is realised or glimpsed the Brahman)
8. The Lamp of Kutashta
(Talks about Consciousnes, Cognition and Intellect)
9. The Lamp of Meditation
(Talks about Practice, right Knowledge, Wrong Knowledge)
10. The Lamp of the Theatre
(Talks about the internal consciousness and external sense organs)
11. The Bliss of Yoga
(Talks about Union with the Truth or Brahman)
12. The Bliss of the Self
(Talks about differnce between Bliss of Yogi, Bliss of Deep Sleep, and the ignorant)
13. The Bliss of Non Duality
(Talks about Self is all that exist)
14. The Bliss of Knowledge
(Talks about realization through Yoga, Unreality of Duality)
15. The Bliss of Objects
(Talks about contact of the mind to external objects, like Sruti)


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