Organizational Learning
The art of resistive behavior is an inherent aspect among all employees in any organization, especially when it is thrusted by the management down to its employees. The resistance could be lack of willingness to cooperate, or enthusiastically particpate or willing to unlearn old ways and adopt new transformational ways and methods of operating and learning.
The divide between the Management Executives and Employees is actually the lack of shared vision and in start up organizations, it is the exploitory attitude which the employees feel towards the management. In case of large organizations, there is a system already in place which was the fundamental building blocks by which the organiation grew. But in today's knowledge based world, adapting to change, adopting to learn and try new methods to emerge out of the neck to neck competition is an ever demanding threat which the organizations face.
Reinventing Organizational strategies instead of being a proactive step is often a last minute desperate measure which the CEO or the management of a company takes to survive or hold itself together. Strategy is a companies destiny, eventhough revolutionary thinkers & leaders can help change organizations drastically and bring about a new transformational energy, people of such leadership qualities seldom exist. Hence it falls to be a group effort which could bring these changes with more than willing to learn attitude from its employees (who have been subjected to suborination and passivity for so long which had crippled their creativity and their indvidual power to contribute, but have led them to brainwash themselves to just be puppets and blindly do what they are told)
Individual freedom is not necessarily again the right solution to organization problems, it has many a times taken them into different indvidual directiosn without a common vision or goal. Most of the employees do not even understand or know or have a clear vision of what their manager or their company is trying to acheive, they care only to do their part from a standpoint of job safety and extra perks. Hence Organizational learning is much more profound and difficult to accomplish even amidst self motivated individual learners (who have often contributed to the bottom up learning, by creating competition because of high personal standards and selfmotivations).
Ability of an organization to retain its employees, doesnt necessarily make us believe that it would be a successfull organiazation. For all we may know there will always be a large group of passive people who may be willing to pay a higher price for their job stability and who would choose to take the easier root of learning only when it happens to be a survival threat.
The only model by which organizational learning can be accomplished is to create an environment where every individual is respected, every individual is made to contribute with not just their mind, but body mind and spirit. Instead of focussing on expecting submissive attitude, creative & independent but yet integrated virtues have to be both inculcated and encouraged by leaders demonstrating themseleves as learners. Corporate cultures are even difficult to mold or break than traditional cultures, the only way to mold at will is the ability for the leadership hirerchy to open up and discuss the companies goals, expectations , its sucess and failures interms of personal and organizational growth.
Employers are always concerned how to do it without saying the need for it.
Most employees will always do it without understanding why they do it.
Some employees will think when to do it (threat, survival, job safety).
Few Employees will choose not to do it and either indirectly resist or will quit.
Organizational Transformation when it happens is a Resonance, its like the energy of a strong river which takes in its current many different things (pebbles, stones, rocks) along its path, with a single focus and goal, to merge into the ocean of success.
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