My Poetry, Philosophy, Thoughts and Ideas.


Far & Near

Know not I, why we born in different place
Was it your choice or was it mine, neither is the case
Brought together, are we by divine’s grace
The truth of which our hearts encase
In that union, our worries efface
Enjoying those moments, off we race
Even though separated far, by time and space
Through words of love, we embrace
In this longing,
Days become months and months become years
But the love for u never ceases, my Dear
I close my eyes to not let, fall that tear
But the moment I open, you will appear
Does it matter therefore, whether u r there or here
Inside me is your abode, you’re always near
Beholding your beauty,
I see thy light
The fire in me as sparks ignite
Those sparks of wisdom, does incite
Too see this world with love’s insight
As earth and heaven be as twins
As bad and good respectively always loses and wins
O! My queen, can I be thy prince
Living to love thereof since


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