Excerpts from the book "Paradigm Wars" - Worldviews for New age by Mark Woodhouse, one of the famous new age thinkers and writers.
in Chapter Time: Leading Edge to Eternity , he defines determinist in following points
Of the two philosophies of nature , Determinist and Creationist, the Creationist perspective better captures the new paradigm thinkng about nature of time.
Determinist - Newton, Hawking
Creationist - Prigogine, Whitehead
1. We must rely on Probability because of limitations of Human Knowledge
2. Belief in Irreversibility is tied to the assumption that the future is open and past is closed.
3. The asymmetry of open future and closed past is a function of our need to rely on probability rather than predictability.
4. BELIEF IN IRREVERSIBILITY is a subjective projection of our own limitation onto nature.
5. All physical process at both micro and macro levels are in principle irreversible.
6. Microlevels of physics are more real than consciousness
7. Creative advance and novelty are essentialy artifacts, the rearrangement of preexisting matter and energy
8. All events are caused , eventhough we are precluded from knowing the causes of certain microlevel quantum events.
9.Since all events are caused there is no genuine creativity, there is no freedom
10. If there was god, he /she/it would see future as clearly as past.
1. We must rely on probability because nature is itself probabilistic, both chaotic and creative.
2. Irreversibility is tied to other things in addition to open future
3. The feature is open because it has not happened, not merely because we cannot predict with 100 percent accuracy
4.Reversibility is found in nature at certain levels , not merely projected there.
5. Some physical process are reversible and some are not
6. All levels are real
7. Creative advance and novelty are built into nature and involve more than rearrangement of the parts.
8. Since all objects and events are interconnected in diverse ways, "All events are caused" means something cannot come from nothing.
9. Since determinism fails as a comphrensive paradigm, there is room for creative advance through free will and choice.
10. If god saw everything through the future , there would be less reason for creation in the first place.
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