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Three States - A Vedanta Perspective

Actually when you dwelve more into vedanta you would really be fascinated by its way of living and its wisdom. Veda + Anta is vedanta as you may know. Veda means Knowledge and Anta means End. The end of Kowledge is you and you dont need to seek anywhere to know the Truth is the underlying meaning. I have been attending a advance lecture on it and some of the concepts are pretty difficult to sink into head eventhough from a verbal sense one can understand.

Arthur Schopenhauer has once said "In the whole world there is no study so beneficial and so elevating as that of Vedanta (upanishads). It has been the solace of my life and so it will be the solace of my death".

The whole lecture revolves around vedanta in three states. Man experiences three states
1. Waking
2. Dream
3. Deep Sleep

all his thinking , activities , are belonging to three states. None of the three states is fixed forever but undergoes the cycles ever day and in everyone. Whatever reality we see and believe , it is assumed to be in three states. But there are conflicts and contraditctions as during awake state we believe awake is real and during sleep we believe sleep is real and during deep sleep we dont know what has happened. The fallacy of one state is known only when you leave one state and enter another state.

According to Vedanta these states thus cannot be real but you are a mere witness of these states. That which witnesses all these three states but independent of these three is the True Real Self.

vedanta declares however the existance of reality. But it says reality is same as in past preent and future. It also extends to say it is beyond range os space , time or causation. It transcends mind, body and intellect. That Thou art is vedanta.

One is intelligent when one wants to liberate , when one wants freedom , when knows he is suffering. For the the real Budhi of the Self does not identify with these sufferings or with these external influences and drives the mind to move away or whispering time and again wanting to go back to its true nature.

I have experienced complete sadness, i have experienced cucles of joy and sorrow, if these two states can exist there can also exist a complete state of happiness or bliss and i believe it is possible through cleansing o ones thoughts and some practice. Love is a great tool, for it doesnt make you to judge, gives you the quality to accept things, accomodates anything with a smile , is open to change , shines the inner beings intentions and makes you befriend it. More of all is the real self and real nature and hence being natrual one finds is so easy and pleasurable.

The effort of which is one's own and never in time having put all this effort one should give up. I think i will be able to walk the talk, need to have self confidence and self esteem , which is seriously lacking.

"Let man raise by his own Self., let him never lower himself, for self alone is the friend of hmself and the enemy of himself" - Gita


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