Seeing isnt Believing?
Excerpts from the lecture by Fred Dretske from Stanford University -1999
Subject: Seeing isnt believing : It isnt knowing or noticing either
There are two forms of Perception
Seeing , hearing , tasting smelling etc is a form of awareness or consciousness. If someone see's something he is aware of it or conscious of it.
All objects perceived means the person is is conscious or aware of it.
A person who is conscious of something is a conscious being.
Any living thing inspite of being totally unsophisticated or incapable in intelligence to a relative higher intelligence being is a conscious being if it is conscious about what it sees and or hears.
Example; If Bees have color vision and bees actually see Colors, then bee are conscious being of able to see colors.
Are of two kinds
1. Non Epistemic Percetpion
That which you see , but dont know what it is by its true nature . For example you can see a person walking but dont know he is your brother.
No capacity to judge what you are seeing but admitting that you are seiing the event or the thing. For example, if you dont know what an eclipse was , it doesnt mean you havent seen an eclipse is Fred's point.
2. Epistemic Perception
That which you see, but do know its true nature as to what it is : For example you can see a person walking and do know that you saw your brother indeed.
Awareness Of Objects ------------- Awareness Of Facts
(non Epistemic) -------------- (Epistemic Perception)
My Brother -------------- That he is my brother
Armadillo -------------- Armadillo
S is aware of X
X= Y
S is aware of Y
My thoughts:
What it mainly helped me is , we constantly judge , we judge everything we see, feel , and experience. Its also possible to have an experience without judgement but such living wouldnt be live.
It doesnt make any difference how you describe what you are aware of. If you are aware of something under one description (X as a friend), you are aware of it under every description (X is y's Lover) but if you are not aware X is Y's Lover, still the fact remains X is Y's lover , it becomes non epistemic.
When X leaves the room , and you know X as a friend left the room or assume another degree that when X left the room, knowing X your friend left the room and know X whose Y's lover left the room is cognitive and it is Epistemic.
It was one of the worst lectures i have attended , all he was trying to say is you can know something but you may not know what the conventional world thinks it so or for a factual sense what that object/subject/event really is. I see the classification to be done instead of two as three kinds
1. Non Epistemic
2. Transmigring Non Epistemic ( during non espistemic process, you can be learning using cognition)
3. Epistemic
I think sticking by the subject line of the talk, seeing isnt knowing or seeing isnt believing is to prove the non epismetic nature that seeing can be just seeing without any productive fruitful thoughts springing forth or not applying any cognition to the experience. Certain things we learn it wrongly but in application it seems to be still applicably correct. Thats wrong knowledge and still right application is very much possible, there however exist a breaking point which can prove that the knowledge perceived is wrong , when the application would fail or wouldnt produce the desired result.
Seeing isnt knowing
because it does not mean you acquire right knowledge or Knowing for the following reasons
1. there are infinite number of information on seeing anything which is being missed always at any object
2. seeing something would require memory and retention of the other unknown facts about what you saw, lesser you can recognize or more closely does it match to something similar seen, more it can be perceived wrongly or lead to misconception.
Seeing isnt Believing
1. mind is capable to cause delusions as in the case of John nash in beautiful mind , inspite of being highly intellectual.
Seeing isnt Noticing
1. you cannot see anything with all its infinitudeness of things happening that instant
2. it is also not possible to notice what isnt visible to be seen within the human eye spectrum
I think these are the steps leading for Human pattern recognition
1. Seeing using eye as a tool to capture the information to be neuronically stored in brain
2. Collecting collecting as many information on what you are seiing)
3. Triggering triggering the memory for whatever is already known or experienced)
4. Retrieving retrieving the exact factual info, or similarities, or closeness to what is seen)
5. Mapping mapping the factuals , filling the puzzle slots to get closer to what is being seen)
6. Observing a continuation of seeing and repeating 1-5 and updating the information
6. Recognizing to finally extrapolate, conjecture, improvise, and cognize on what the object could be
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