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Exchanging Blog Links

Why there is a need to exchange Blog Links

1. More than 90% of the search engines use linkages to define a popularity of a site and Google being the trend setter.
2. Links help to track bloggers who have a similar content or interest
3. Links help to track bloggers in a particular demographic area
4. A higher ranking page referring your content can be the only way to have the world know you exist in the world og blogs, especially when you are a new comer.
5. Links that are created can be made visible or non visible , as an inclusion of entry is enough for the webcrawlers to parse
6. More often sites which have common topics, get linked easily , unlike mine which are more indigenous and personal.
7. It takes a while for people to find your log, one way is to first get indexed in google and majoe web search engines almost daily.
8. Increasing the traffic and daily updating the content has a more higher chance that the weblog would be visited and probably someone interested would request a link share or would just link yours.
9. Google and other search engines working on page ranking , only checks how many links are referring yours, but eventually when the algorithm gets more intelligent, relevancy of content would be weighed and page reranked for accurate information.
10. Its quite possible for the crawlers to categorise the web log contents based on content information and provide a search within the Blog world on specific topics sorted by date or place.
11. A blog page rank is like stocks and shares, you never know when a page rank of any website would shoot up. It is wiser not to see the initial page rank of a site while link but rather see the potential that weblog is got and the common interest that can be share din deciding a linkage.
12. A higher page rank site has the potential of making business by requesting you to pay a flat rate before it can link your URL, a nice way to make money .( Thats why relevancy of topic is a must and weightage of the links housed in a page becomes vital for search engines to throw sensible results on queries , otherwise it would end up just being a handful of marketing advertistments)


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