Enhancing my Blogs
1. Created and submitted this site to bloglet, bloglet<>### with my yahoo email address.
2. Enabled Google Search in Bloglet to tell how many subscriptions to my site were made and
how many search engine results Google returns.
3. Try and Add Email Post Messages Subscriptions to my BlogSite , Bloglet icon included and
other icons edited on the same line including Gostats.
4. Include my site in a few other Blog Sites and try to get more subscriptions which could
enable search even more better. Trying to include images in the webpage , have a few
snapshots in the jungles of jamaica.
5. Weblogs maintain a file called Change.xml, any new URL sites pinged to it and already
available in its respository are first checked to see if site exist and the contents have
been changed. If changed it adds into its change.xml and uploads the new info. WEB Logs ChangeXML
6. To ping to a list of Blog Servers after you have made changes, ensure you submit the site
for ping in this link Blog Update
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