HU-KNO Network
It is impossible to house all the knowledge in oneself. At the same time to excel it is imperative that knowledge plays a very pertinent role, building the human network for knowledge gathering or sharing does a great help on this regard. Both be work or general information or spiritual wisdom , there are parts which one can discover by themseleves through daily experience and others which can be learnt from people who have walked the path.
It is essential that a stigma or portait of ourseleves is not built, thereby at a later point in time that ego which we have built for ourselves doesnt become the obstacle or an hindrance to our own growth. If acquired knowledge , understanding , interpreting and applying alone completes the cycle. Knowledge is not a destination , it is an ongoing process.
The Hu-KNO network would serve more useful than millions of pages of information in the libraries. The network could comprise of family , relations, friends, acquintances, teachers, philosophers, fellow travellers, collegues and even once own disrespectful associations(enemies).
The most difficult aspect if the network is maintaing the network connections itself.
The most proactive aspect is ability in building and expanding the network
The most easiest aspect is ability to quickly get the information & knowledge
The greatest blockade in the network is yourself , your ego
The greatest investment is your ability to analyze, learn and put the knowledge right
The silliest of excuse is availability of time
The greatest tools or email, chat , phone
The highest virtue attained is removal of one's own ignorance
The greatest return is making another node inturn exapnd like yours
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