My Poetry, Philosophy, Thoughts and Ideas.


SRK (Self Realization & Knowledge)

excerpts from a chat with SRK

1. do you realize that grief of separation is a common problem to humanity ?
2. do you know why you are happy when you are happy?
3. do you have sorrow that this happiness will come to an end?
4. is seed of sorrow registeringof joy?
5. can you live without remembering your pleasures and pains ?
6. can you die then and there to emotions? that is art of living
7. why there is sadness and guilt of death, are you going to be left out?
8. can you allow fear to fully pervade you, when you are scared without reacting to it?
9. life is about dynamism, u cant rest in a happy moment, sorrow is just about to follow, can you live and get out of it that moment?
10. if you are inattentive, and you have identified that is attention, not immediately trying to get attentive, can you practice this?
11. living is about not knowing what comes next but still being able to face it, this is dynamism, can you learn it?
12. knowledge and knowing is a reaction to fear, can you just face fear? if you do then knowledge blooms
13. the only help from fear is to do nothing but face it.
14. by thought u can only know the limitation of thought not truth


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