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Awareness - J Krishnamurthi

Excerpts from the Bok Truth and Actuality - J Krishnamurthi

Does Awareness include choice? or is awareness a state of mind, a state of observation in which there is no chice whatsoever? Is that possible?

One is educated from childhood to choose and that is our tradition, that is our habit, that is our mechanical instictive reaction. And we think because we choose there is freedom. What does awareness mean: to be aware?. It imples, doesnt it, not only to physical sensitivity, but alsosensitivity to environment, to nature , sensitivity to other people reactions and to my own reactions.

So awareness implies, doesnt it , a total sensitivity : to color , nature to all my reactions, how I respond to others, all that is implied inawareness, isnt it? Iam aware of this tent, the shape of it and so on. One is aware of nature , the world of nature, the beauty of trees, the silence of trees, the shape , beauty, depth and solitude of trees.

And one is aware also of one's relationship to others, intimate and not intimate. In that awareness is there any kind of choice? - in total awareness, neurologically, physically, psychologicaly, to everything around one, the influences, to all the noises and so on.

Is one aware not only to ones own beliefs but those of others , opinions, judgements, evaluations, and conclusions. all that is implied otherwise one is not aware. And can you practice awareness by going to a school or a college or going to a guru who will teach you how to be aware? is that awareness? if awareness is sensitivity to these , can it be cultivated through practice?

Unless there is total sensitivity , awareness becomes concentration on oneself. You cannot be aware of your awareness. When you are happy and you are aware that you are happy , it is no longer happiness. What is the difference between awareness and attention? in awareness there is a centre from which you are aware? when i say iam aware , then i move from a centre, i respond to nature from a centre , i respond to my friends, to my wife, husband or whatever it is - that centre being my conditioning, prejudices, my desires, my fears, and all the rest of it. In that awareness there is centre. In attention there is no centre at all. Please try to listen for two minutes. You are now listening to what is being said and you are giving total attention. That means you are not comparing , you do not say " i already know what you are going to say", " I have read what you have said etc" all that has gne and you are completely attentive and therfore there is no centre and attention has no border.


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