My Poetry, Philosophy, Thoughts and Ideas.


My first Blogging

i had been thinking how to write the first blog and happy that i could get URL in my name. I searched for badri in blogspot and found Badri Sheshadri site , which was very impressive and in my south indian mother tongue Tamil, so where his thoughts.

I thought the best would be through various invocation mantras of the Upanishads.

Aitreya Upanishad - Invocation Mantra

May my word be firmly established in my mind!
May my mind be firmly established in my word!
O Self-manifest one, be manifest to me!
Be for me the cornerstone of Revelation.
May what I have heard not depart from me!
Thus meditating on your wisdom, I link days and nights.
OM peace , peace , peace

Katha Upanishad - Invocation Mantra

May he protect us both;
May He be pleased with us both;
May we work together with vigour;
May our study make us illumined;
May there be no dislike between us
Aum, peace, peace, peace

Kena Upanishad - Invocation Mantra

May my limbs grow vigorous,
my speech, breath, eye, ear
as also my strength and all my senses.
All is the Brahman of the Upanisads.
May I never discard Brahman.
May the Brahman never discard me.
May there be no discarding.
May there be no discarding of me.
Let those truths which are in the Upanisads live in me dedicated to the self.
Aum. Peace, Peace, Peace.

Prasana Upanishad - Invocation Mantra

Om. May we, O gods,
hear with our ears what is auspicious!
May we, see with our eyes what is good!
May we, strong in limbs and body,
sing your praise and enjoy the life allotted to us by Prajapati!
Aum. Peace! Peace! Peace


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